the words your voice matters in multi colored speech bubbles0

Welcome Parents!

The Plankinton School District has secured the services of Dakota Education Consulting to conduct a survey to assist the district with the development of goals for the future of the school. The first step in this process is to conduct an anonymous survey of these groups:  staff, parents, and students. You are asked to provide honest responses to the survey questions. Those responses will help to improve the district operations and set goals for the future. The results will then be tabulated and shared with focus groups. Following those sessions, goals will be developed, and an action plan will be designed for future implementation.
Your participation is critical, and remember, your responses are confidential.
Thank you in advance for your participation.
DEC Consulting Services  

The Parent Survey is for those families who currently have students attending school.  Please complete the Community Survey if you currently do not have students attending the Plankinton School District.

Please click on the link below to complete the Parent Survey.