The preschool class had a busy day....we went on a hunt around the school for Pete the Cat! We were rockin' in our school shoes!!!
We also enjoyed recess, playtime, school lunch, and singing songs!
We had a great first day in 2nd grade!
Enjoyed playing bean bag toss with Ms. Tia DeGeest and students at Plankinton Schools open house!
Tomorrow, Thursday, August 15th is the first day of school for PSD. Tomorrow is a half day. Start time is 8:10 am. Reminder that this is a new start time. We dismiss at 12:45 pm. We are so excited to see all of you! Get a good night's rest!
We would like to say a big THANK YOU to all the families that attended the Back-to-School Backyard BBQ Thursday night. It was great to see all of you. We enjoyed a great meal, backyard games and some great social time. We would also like to send a THANK YOU shoutout to the following individuals, families and businesses who donated their time &/or resources to help make our first Back to School Backyard BBQ a success! We greatly appreciate your support!
Rustin & Kama Bruns Family
Phil & Beth Victor Family
Tracy & Kristine Van Gorp Family
Brian & Jenna Reis Family
Natalie & Jeff Briggs Family/Ron’s Market
Krohmer Agency
Overweg Auto Glass & Fuel
Lindsey Weich, Whitney Bruinsma, Jenna Prangley & Grant Fairbanks
Brian Reis and Todd Karst – Grill Masters
Plankinton School District Staff
Plankinton students & families - come join us for our backyard BBQ fun. We have the grillmasters grilling up burgers and dogs. We have potato and macaroni salad. YUM! We have backyard games in the gym. Come join in on the fun and enjoy a great grilled feast!
Reminder about 6th-12th grade Orientation and our Open House for the elementary families. All families are invited to the Backyard Cookout starting at 5:15. Please see the attached information.
Here is the picture order form for picture day which is on August 14th in Mount Vernon starting at 2:00 with VB first, followed by Football, Cross Country, Cheer, and Boys Golf.
Reminder of our Pre-Season Sports meeting for parents and athletes on August 7th. It will be at 6pm in Plankinton.
MVP Fall Sports pictures are set for August 14th at 2:00 in MV! Use the link below to place an order.
Bienvenidos nuevamente a nuestras familias y estudiantes de Plankinton:
Esperamos ver todos los pasillos llenos de estudiantes, emocionados de comenzar un nuevo año escolar.
Nos gustaría compartir con ustedes algunos cambios para el próximo año escolar.
La hora de inicio diaria será a las 8:10 am. Tenga en cuenta que esto es 5 minutos antes que en los últimos años.
Pasaremos a un horario de orientación para los grados 6-12. Será el 8 de agosto. Consulte el cronograma adjunto para saber cuándo usted y sus estudiantes pueden venir a revisar sus computadoras, iniciar sesión, encontrar sus casilleros, completar la documentación, hacer preguntas, crear un portal para padres en el campus, etc.
La jornada de puertas abiertas también será la noche del 8 de agosto. También estamos introduciendo un nuevo formato para la jornada de puertas abiertas. Por favor vea la invitación adjunta. Las familias de primaria podrán recoger y dejar paquetes de información esta noche.
Estamos pasando a una solicitud de inscripción/registro de hogares en línea. Enviaremos una notificación cuando esté disponible y sea accesible para las familias, con instrucciones, antes del 8 de agosto.
También ofreceremos una opción de pago en línea este próximo año escolar. Enviaremos una notificación cuando esté disponible y sea accesible para las familias, antes del 8 de agosto.
Ambas nuevas oportunidades en línea requerirán que las familias creen un Portal para padres en el campus. Si ya tienes uno, ¡fantástico! Si no lo hace y no está seguro de cómo crear uno, habrá asistencia disponible durante el día de orientación o jornada de puertas abiertas, o puede llamar a la oficina de la escuela en cualquier momento para obtener ayuda.
Tuyo en educación,
Lezlie Larsen
Víctor Beth
Welcome Back to our Plankinton Families & Students:
We are looking forward to seeing all the hallways filled with students, excited to be starting a new school year.
We would like to share with you a few changes for the upcoming school year.
Daily start time will be 8:10 am. Please note that this is 5 minutes earlier than the last few years.
We will be moving to an orientation schedule for grades 6-12. It will be on August 8th. Please see the attached schedule for when you and your students can come to check out their computers, log in, find their lockers, complete paperwork, ask questions, create a campus parent portal etc.
Open House is also on the evening of August 8th. We are introducing a new format for open house, as well. Please see the attached invitation. Elementary families will be able to pick up/drop off information packets this evening.
We are moving to an online household enrollment/registration application. We will push out a notification when it goes live and accessible to families, with instructions, prior to August 8th.
We will be offering an online payment option, as well, this next school year. We will push out a notification when it goes live and accessible to families, prior to August 8th.
Both of the new online opportunities will require families to create a Campus Parent Portal. If you already have one, fantastic! If you do not and are not sure how to create one, assistance will be available on orientation/open house day, or you can call the school office at any time for assistance.
Yours In Education,
Lezlie Larsen
Beth Victor
2024-2025 sports physical paperwork for SDHSAA can be found and printed here. You'll need this paperwork when you go to the doctor for your annual physical.
Parents of Preschool-8th grade students: Love Feast of Mitchell offers free backpacks and school supplies for families. Those who sign up by July 26th are eligible for a free shoe voucher as well. Please click the link to sign up your children. You MUST be able to pick up your supplies (dates are listed in the link).
2024-2025 School Supply List
Just a reminder that Summer Voice Lessons start tomorrow June 10 and Summer Band Lessons start June 17! Please reach out to either Mr or Mrs Stoebner for any questions 🎶
Good luck to Vanessa Hoffman as she tees off at 8:40 in Brookings for the girls state golf tournament! Follow along live:
Good luck to the Titan boys today as they tee off for Day 1 of the state tournament in Brookings! Follow along live:
Tee times:
Mason Karst 8:30
Trysten Eide 9:40
Mason Bosworth 10:00
Payton Nedved 10:10
Congrats to the MVPCS Padres baseball team as they punched their ticket to state by beating Lennox & Sioux Falls Christian under the lights last night! They play May 31 & June 1 at Augustana. Great games, boys!
Congrats to the MVP boys team on placing 2nd as a team and qualifying for the state tournament. Vanessa Hoffman placed 2nd and qualified individually for the girls. Great work to all the kids. State is in Brookings on June 3 &4!