The 6th Graders presented on their novel studies in Mr. Chris Hill's class today!
over 1 year ago, Chris Hill
Proncipal’s Group
Sisters group
Bear group
Ida B group
Indian in the Cupboard group
Friday Fun Day!
over 1 year ago, Mika Faulhaber
Telling time
Lego building
Sorting and building
The Plankinton Student Council took 39 kids to the Regional meeting in Mitchell today. Here are a few pictures of our groups participating in the breakout sessions. Jenalee, Delsie, Whitney, and Harlee presented on our Social Media and Fundraising!
over 1 year ago, Chris Hill
G 1
G 2
G 3
G 4
G 5
G 6
Rapid city bound with All State Chorus members Whitney Payne, Jordan Douglas, Maggie Overbay and Alexis Hauge!
over 1 year ago, Ly Stoebner
Alternate chorus members include Haley Faulhaber, Madi Mueller and Philip Schmidt.
Football Pad Hand-in Monday October 30th in Mt. Vernon. JH and 12th grade will hand in pads after school. 9th, 10th, 11th grade will hand in pads at 5:30. PARENT AND PLAYER MEETING for 9th,10th,11th grade at 6pm in the Mt. Vernon gym. ***Our expectation is that every player will be there at the proper times with all equipment.
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
Remember this week the FCCLA is doing a coin challenge in the school! The pre-k to 6 class and the 7-12 class that collects the most for “Helping the Hohbach’s” will get a class reward! Thanks for all your support! Now send that change to school with your child! Mrs Hohbach is our FCCLA advisor and teaches at PHS!
over 1 year ago, Beth Victor
Friendly reminder - the volleyball matches tonight are in FORESTBURG starting at 4:00. It is the Sanborn County Dig Pink Night and they will be raising money for cancer awareness. Come out and support our girls and donate to a worthy cause!
over 1 year ago, Zach Harter
🏐Final regular season game tonight in Forestburg! Titans take on the SCW Blackhawks. Good Luck Titans! 🏐
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
The MVP co-op is looking for a Junior High Boys' Basketball coach for the upcoming season. This is a paid position. If interested, contact Eric Denning or Zach Harter.
over 1 year ago, Zach Harter
Don't forget to wear red tomorrow, PJ's Wednesday, a hat Thursday, and blue Friday to celebrate Red Ribbon week with FCCLA!
over 1 year ago, Beth Victor
🏐SESD Conference Tournament in Tyndall! Go Titans! 🏐
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
Reminder that school is not in session on Monday, October 23. Have a fabulous weekend!
over 1 year ago, Plankinton School District
Halloween is near! Reading "Jack the Pumpkin" to kindergardeners today 🎃
over 1 year ago, Carrie Brink
A little video the Multimedia class put together for the Cross Country team!
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
State Cross Country in Sioux Falls this weekend! Location: Yankton Tail Park The boys will be running at approximately 1:00 PM. Good Luck!
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
cross country
The gym will NOT be available Friday through Monday. The heating/cooling until is being replaced.
over 1 year ago, Zach Harter
🏈Game Day! Titans travel to Volga for first round playoff action! Good Luck Titans! 🏈
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
Celebrate Red Ribbon week with the FCCLA next week!
over 1 year ago, Beth Victor
Fifth grade has been learning about changes in states of matter, and recently began exploring physical and chemical changes. We began mixing equal parts of various substances to observe whether a physical or chemical change occurred. We used our knowledge of the properties of matter and signals of a chemical change to determine which type of change occurred when the substances were mixed.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Olsen
students are hard at work!
students are hard at work!
students are hard at work!
students are hard at work!
students are hard at work!
students are hard at work!
Don't forget about the Hometown Halloween Fundraiser as well as come on out and support the Lady Titans Volleyball team tonight!
over 1 year ago, Plankinton School District
halloween fundraiser flyer with ghosts and pumpkins