The Fourth Grade is exploring how weathering can erode rocks by using sugar cubes!
over 1 year ago, Tia DeGeest
The Fourth Grade is exploring how weathering can erode rocks by using sugar cubes!
over 1 year ago, Tia DeGeest
NHS met last week to discuss the four pillars of National Honor Society and how their display of the pillars hould be consistant whether it be inside school or outside school. They were given this sheet with the pillars to keep and signed one that they will adhere to these pillars. we meet again on October 19th during 6a to review bylaws and develop plans for our service projects.
over 1 year ago, Stacy Wehrmann
The 6th grade class is doing an experiment on sediment formation for Science class.
over 1 year ago, Chris Hill
6th Grade
6th Grade
The Fourth Grade got to learn from the firemen this morning as well as experience a smoke room!
over 1 year ago, Tia DeGeest
🏈Football at Winner 🏈 Good Luck Titans!
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
REMINDER: Picture Retake Day is TOMORROW morning! Picture Retake Day: October 17th If you would like your child to take a picture on retake day, please have them return the picture envelope with $8 and we will print their same order in their new picture. They do not need to order again. Parents who have not placed an order yet may still use this link to place their orders.
over 1 year ago, Beth Victor
🏐Volleyball action tonight in Hartford!🏐 The Titans take on the West Central Trojans. Good luck to our Titan Volleyball team!
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
A glimpse of the field trip to the pumpkin patch!
over 1 year ago, Angela Feenstra
we got pumpkins
class pic
playing on the bales
train rides
2nd grade earned popsicles for good behavior today! Keep up the good work!
over 1 year ago, Mika Faulhaber
Great job!
Great job!
Great job!
Great job!
The All-State Choir students had a great day rehearsing at Dakota Wesleyan in Mitchell! Tune in to SDPBS on October 28th to here the full concert!
over 1 year ago, Ly Stoebner
From right to left: Whitney Payne (Soprano), Madi Mueller (Tenor Alt), Maggie Overbay (Alto), Alexis Hauge (Tenor), Jordan Douglas (Bass), Philip Schmidt (Bass Alt), Haley Faulhaber (Alto Alt)
🪽Good luck to our Titan Cross Country runners as they travel to Canton for Regions! 🪽
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
cross country
In Monday's board meetings, both the Mount Vernon and Plankinton boards voted to add HS softball as a sport for our girls this spring. This means we are looking for coaches! If you have any interest in coaching softball this spring, please contact Eric Denning in Mount Vernon or Zach Harter in Plankinton.
over 1 year ago, Zach Harter
Please note that the high school volleyball games at West Central tomorrow will have a rolling schedule. C game starts at 4:30.
over 1 year ago, Zach Harter
🏐Volleyball action tonight in White Lake. 🏐MVP takes on KWL! It's "Dig Pink" night. Proceeds go to the Aurora County Cancer fund!
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
Kindergarten and 1st grade learned how to trap air under the parachute to create a tent in P.E. Today!
over 1 year ago, Zach Harter
1st grade
🏐Titans travel to Chamberlain tonight!!!🏐
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
Titans Cross Country team travels to Parkston for a meet today!
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
cross country
🏐Volleyball action tonight in Miller. The MVP Titans take on the Miller Rustlers!🏐
over 1 year ago, Kyle Bruinsma
Flu shots will be given at the Plankinton School on October 18th for kids in grades Preschool-12th! If you would like to sign your child up, forms are due back WITH COPY of insurance card by October 16th! Forms were sent home with kids in grades Preschool-6th and there are forms at the front office that kids in grades 7-12 can grab from Mary! Thanks!
over 1 year ago, Beth Victor