Join me!
over 1 year ago, Carrie Tobin
math camp
The FCCLA members are in Denver attending the National Leadership meeting! It is very exciting!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Hohbach
in Denver!
Telling others about FCCLA
Rosie and Teresa were honored for being in the top 10 in the nation for Interpersonal Communitions level 3!
over 1 year ago, Mrs. Hohbach
Reminder: Summer band lessons are Wednesday (tomorrow) and Thursday this week! Please reach out to Mrs. or Mr. Stoebner if you are unsure of the time you signed up for!
over 1 year ago, Beth Victor
School Supply List 2023-2024 Grades PK-12
over 1 year ago, Beth Victor
2023-2024 School Calendar
over 1 year ago, Beth Victor
Elementary 2023-24 Calendar
Junior/Senior High 2023-2024 Calendar
Can't wait to see the students!!
over 1 year ago, Carrie Tobin
School may be out for summer, but the library is still open! see hours listed. come in for a good book, cool air, games and puzzles
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Brink
library hours
Love all the smiles when we are playing math games at summer boost up!
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Tobin
Plankinton School Board Election is today, June 6th! The polls are open until 7pm today. Come in through the front entrance!
almost 2 years ago, Amity Fox
Retirement Announcement
almost 2 years ago, Plankinton School District
a retirement announcement for two staff
Reminder Summer Boost for those who are enrolled starts tomorrow, Tuesday, May 30th for Plankinton Elementary!
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Tobin
5th Grade "Under the Sea" Reading Party! So proud of these students and their reading this year!!
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Tobin
reading 5
reading 5
reading 5
reading 5
reading 5
reading 5
Fun times in Yankton!!
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Tobin
5th grade 1
5th grade 2
5th grade 3
5th grade 4
5th grade 4
5th grade 5
5th grade 6
5th grade 7
The 5th grade made it to Yankton!
almost 2 years ago, Carrie Tobin
2023 Academic Awards/Recognition Program today at 11:40 am in the high school gym.
almost 2 years ago, Plankinton School District
awards program flyer
Meet Day. Go Titans!
almost 2 years ago, Kyle Bruinsma
NHS current and newly inducted members. Congratulations!
almost 2 years ago, Stacy Wehrmann
Mark your calendars! The first ever Plankinton Theater Showcase will be happening Thursday, May 11 at 7 pm. The students have been working hard all semester to refine their acting skills, and it's time for them to show off what they can do!
almost 2 years ago, Ly Stoebner
Check out the prgram for our upcoming Theater Showcase on Thursday May 11!
Here's  the
Hello! On Monday, May 15 at 7 pm the elementary students will be presenting their concert Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo! Come give us a listen to hear a wide variety of music all themed around the zoo.
almost 2 years ago, Ly Stoebner
Here are our musical selections for the upcoming Elementary Concert on Monday, May 15!