Join me!

The FCCLA members are in Denver attending the National Leadership meeting! It is very exciting!

Rosie and Teresa were honored for being in the top 10 in the nation for Interpersonal Communitions level 3!

Reminder: Summer band lessons are Wednesday (tomorrow) and Thursday this week! Please reach out to Mrs. or Mr. Stoebner if you are unsure of the time you signed up for!

School Supply List 2023-2024
Grades PK-12

2023-2024 School Calendar

Can't wait to see the students!!

School may be out for summer, but the library is still open! see hours listed. come in for a good book, cool air, games and puzzles

Love all the smiles when we are playing math games at summer boost up!

Plankinton School Board Election is today, June 6th! The polls are open until 7pm today. Come in through the front entrance!

Retirement Announcement

Reminder Summer Boost for those who are enrolled starts tomorrow, Tuesday, May 30th for Plankinton Elementary!

5th Grade "Under the Sea" Reading Party! So proud of these students and their reading this year!!

Fun times in Yankton!!

The 5th grade made it to Yankton!

2023 Academic Awards/Recognition Program today at 11:40 am in the high school gym.

Meet Day. Go Titans!

NHS current and newly inducted members. Congratulations!

Mark your calendars! The first ever Plankinton Theater Showcase will be happening Thursday, May 11 at 7 pm. The students have been working hard all semester to refine their acting skills, and it's time for them to show off what they can do!

Hello! On Monday, May 15 at 7 pm the elementary students will be presenting their concert Never Play Music Right Next to the Zoo! Come give us a listen to hear a wide variety of music all themed around the zoo.